
A collection of animated gifs, filters to embellish existing gifs, tangible objects on a green background to create inlays, colorful typography... Here's a graphic kit to dress up a social media account and give it its own identity. A project developed during my residency atLa Physique Autrement.

see demo

Orsay, 2023 With La Physique Autrement Stories & popularization

Quantum Bifurcations

A device imagined for a multiple-choice conference. A collection of cardboard and paper objects manipulated by a physics popularizer during a lecture in which the audience is invited to vote on which path to take. The idea was to tell different stories linked to the discovery of magnetism, but above all to illustrate how scientific discoveries are made: sometimes by taking side roads. A project developed during my residency at La Physique Autrement.

watch the conference

Orsay, 2023 La physique autrement stories & popularization


Workshop open to all to compose images about work and to question our relation with it, during the exhibition of the Cycle de Recherche en Design during the biennial at the Cité du Design.

Saint-Étienne, 2022 workshops

Where do cheeses go when they travel?

A book by Manu Gault for the editions Caseus Island, where poetry and cheese meet.

Paris, 2022 editions


Imaginary cartography, using modular stencils on the wall of a school playground. Pupils use a “standardized” vocabulary, specific to cartography, to develop narratives based on their own drawings.

Château-Thierry, 2022 With Philippine Brenac workshops


A 6-month project residency about nuclear waste and how to communicate its existence to future generations. I produced a "Technogony" (techno- for technic, -gony for genesis), a short story about the origin of nuclear waste, which we staged in a shadow theater in collaboration with Elisabetta Spaggiari and Philippine Brenac.

Chaumont, 2022 Stories & popularization


A very small book, containing the text of “a technogony” annotated with historical and scientific elements that make up the research carried out during my “Prospectives graphiques” residency.

In 2024, it was translated into English.

Chaumont, 2022 Editions


Interactive mapping of Legal Design projects and initiatives

Paris, 2021 with Amurabi, Legal Design Agency editions

Azimuts nº53 – Collect, Design research journal of the Cité du Design/ESADSE

An exploration of 30 years of magazine archives, scanned, annotated, and translated. 2 direct tones, 320 pages

Cité du design/ESADSE, Saint-Étienne, 2021 Coordonné par Ernesto Oroza et Victoria Calligaro editions

Visual identity for the craft brewery "Brasserie de la Vanne" and its beer "La Cachalote"

The cachalote takes the shape of the hillside on which the Vanne brewery is perched. The “o” becomes an expandable window, revealing Cachan’s aqueduct. A parisian suburb landscape that changes with the seasons, and the flavors of the drink.

Cachan, 2021 visual identity

About what's going on - Episode 2 - The museum of Damas

A performance about the History of the national museum of Damascus and the French Mandate in Syria. Imagined with the journalist Bassem Salloum, this french-arabic video links together historical facts and geopolitical situations.

INTERVIEW - Interview on DUU*radio réalisée by Anna Priot See the entire episode

Paris, 2021 Stories & popularization

Bouphonie, an exhibition in 3 acts + 1

Design of an exhibition where artists are invited to cohabit predefined “scenes”. A 3-dimensional collage. visit the exhibition website

Saint-Denis, 2021 with Arslan Smirnov Space & objects

Visual identity for Ecole des Arts Décoratifs

Development of a series of modular, expandable graphic and typographic tools and supports for this multi-faceted school, which gives pride of place to play and ornament.

Paris, 2021 With Damien Bauza, Tommy Bougé, Pedro Cardoso and Paul Dagorne visual identity

Azimuts nº52 – Continu, Design research journal of the Cité du Design/ESADSE

This issue was dedicated to the troubled period of the coronavirus pandemic we have been going through – 16.8 x 24.2 cm, four-color printing and an additional black-and-white journal.

Cité du design/ESADSE, Saint-Étienne, juin 2021, 2020 coordinated by Ernesto Oroza and Victoria Calligaro, with Merlin Andreae, Corentin Brûlé et Antoine Bouré. editions


Various workshops in art schools, where we seek to: collaborate with other structures, broaden your field of action, experiment over a short period of time, get out of your comfort zone...

divers, 2020 workshops

Website for Alambic, theater company

A website built like a sliding puzzle, randomly displaying details of the epinal image of “L'alambic miraculeux".

Paris, 2020 Developped par Pedro Cardoso editions

About what's going on — spin OFF

In 2019, as part of the 3rd edition of Création en Cours, supported by Ateliers Médicis, I'm offering the manipulated objects device to the pupils of Madam Legendre's CM1/CM2 class in Rachecourt-sur-Marne school (52). I invite them to imagine fake news based on real newspaper headlines. Notre-Dame is burning, roundabouts are occupied just about everywhere in France... In this “spin off” episode, we hear fake stories with the occasional bit of truth - which always comes out of the mouths of children.

Read the project diary

Rachecourt-sur-Marne (42), 2019 With a class in primary school workshops

"90 mogettes", a project by studio Clara + Clémence

A report on the studio Clara+Clémence's project during their residency at Site Saint-Sauveur, Rocheservière.

Vendée, 2019 Site Saint-Sauveur, with Clara+Clémence editions

About what's going on - Episode 1

“À propos de ce qui se passe” can be seen as the demo for a fictional television program. It begins with a collection of objects, akin to game tokens, illustrating terms taken from selected newspaper articles. Intended to be filmed, these objects are then used in performances or videos, during which they are manipulated to explain various news items in images. This analog tool offers a return to photomontage, and can exist in both still and animated forms. Evoking both old television techniques and educational games for children, it allows us to question our relationship with the media and the new forms of writing they face. Constructed like an anadiplosis, the first episode (pilot) attempts to establish my personal relationship with information (text and images combined) through a hybrid narrative combining current affairs and media archaeology. In this story, we come across The Fertile Crescent, 9/11 attacks, the Syrian conflict, the Mediterranean, fake news, Europe... but also Jean-Luc Godard, Jean Baudrillard and Tino Rossi .


Paris, 2018 Performance with Elisabetta Spaggiari Stories & popularization


Communication materials, signage and catalog for the “Matin, midi et soir” exhibition

Paris, 2017 A project by Laure Flammarion Space & objects